Page © 1998 Micheal Shackelford
With much kind assistance courtesy of Major Michele Giordano M.D., Italian Army, Medical Corps
The kingdom of Italy had been formed in the mid 19th century out of various states, some of which had Orders and awards of their own. Those of House of Savoy took on a sort of national character but the others were not discontinued. While the chivalric orders listed below had little exposure during World War I, we include them here since they do show up in formal photographs of war-era prominent people (both Italian and non-Italians). More war-specific medals are covered on the Medals of Italy page.
- Ordine della Santissima Annunziata: one of the greatest chivalric
orders of all times, comparable, as for ancientness and significance - according
to experts - only to the Golden Fleece, the Order of the Garter and the
Supreme Order of Christ. Established in 1362 by Amedeo VI of Savoy ("the
Green Count"). The number of the knights was always kept fixed, from
the foundation up to today. While the founder had originally conceived
an overall number of 15 members to honour the 15 "delights" of
the Blessed Virgin (14 knights plus the Grand Master), in 1869 King Vittorio
Emanuele II raised the number of knights from 14 to 20; but the Grand Master,
the princes of his royal blood, clergymen and foreigners were supposed to
be calculated as an extra to this fixed number. Untill the fall of monarchy,
the Knighthood of the Holy Annunciation equalled to nobility, and gave right
to the title of "Excellency" and "Cousin of the King",
with precedence, in all cerimonies, over the highest offices of state. The
Annunziata's collar could be conferred on non-nobles, but not on non-catholics:
this because of its deeply religious origins, and since the knights had
many religious duties. Each collar exists in two versions: a greater one
(to be used on New Year's Day, on Annunciation Day, on national holidays
and in all solemn court cerimonies) and a smaller (for all other occasions).
Each knight was obbliged to have, after his death, the collars returned
to the King by his heirs; nevertheless, during last decades many collars
went missing, as the Duce's (Benito Mussolini) one. Although the medallion
is worn suspended to a golden collar, a ribbon to be used on uniforms was
indeed instituted by Royal Decree in 1924: it is purple (better: amaranthine)
and bears a small golden badge (four-leaved clover-shaped) depicting an
Annunciation "en miniature"; during monarchy this was to be placed
above all other merits and awards. After the fall of monarchy the Italian
Republican Government obviously denied acknowledgement of this order, which
anyhow was never discontinued, being dynastic patrimony of the existing
House of Savoy, and very seldom is still conferred.
- Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro. Born from the union
of two ancient and different Orders which, for particular reasons, only
in the XVI Century were combined under the Mastery of the House of Savoy.
The Order of St. Maurice was established in 1434 by Amedeo VIII of Savoy
(during his stay in the Ripaglia hermitage near Thonon) and so called after
Maurice, the brave Captain of the Legio Tebea who was martyred in 286 a.d,
altogether with his legionnaires for having refused to worship the Imperator
Marco Aurelio.
From its origins, the Order of St. Maurice was an "Ordine combattente"
(Combating Order) intended to fight lutherans and calvinists. The origins
of the Order of St. Lazarus can be, on the contrary, brought back to the
foundation, around 1100, of an Hospital for Leprosy in Jerusalem by a group
of crusaders who called themselves "Brothers of St. Lazarus" (Lazarus
was the poor leprous beggar, described in the Bible by the Evangelist St.
Luke (chapter 16, verses 19-31), who became patron saint of lepers).
Under the Grand Mastery of Duke Emanuele Filiberto "Iron Head",
the two orders were declared united by Pope Gregory XIII in 1572, one year
after the battle of Lepanto, in order to fight the infidels; nevertheless,
already during the XVI century the newborn order missed its military "raison
d'etre", shifting instead towards the original hospital rule of St.
Lazarus. Brought back in favour by King Vittorio Emanuele II, the Order
was sparingly conferred for distinguished service in civilian or military
affairs, as an exclusive award compared with the more common Order of the
Crown of Italy. Because of the fall of monarchy, the Italian Government
in 1952 changed the Order (which no longer was officially acknowledged as
such) in "Ente Morale" (Non-profit Corporation) and kept in function
its hospitals, churches, orphanages and schools which are now under the
High Patronage of the President of the Republic. As for the House of Savoy,
still owner for dynastic reasons of the Grand Mastery, the pretender to
Italy's Throne (Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV) is still conferring from his
exile knightoods of this important Order which was never discontinued.
- Ordine
Militare di Savoia (Military Order of Savoia) - Established by King
Victor Emmanuel I of Sardinia in 1815 . Awarded for especially distinguished
service in war.
5 classes-- worn in the usual styles -- Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander,
Officer, Knight. The first three classes had the royal crown above the cross.
The Officer class had the cross suspened from a 'trophy' of flags. The lowest
class, the Knight, suspended the cross from a simple ring. The Knight class
could be awarded to soldiers and sailors. The ribbon had three equal stripes
of navy/red/navy.
With the fall of the monarchy, this Order was retained, but renamed the
'Order of Military Merit of Italy."
- Order of the Crown of Italy, Instituted by Victor Emmanuel
II in 1868 to commemorate the union of the Kingdom of Italy. 5 classes.