Pass issued by General
von Jarotzky (in text) |
A Belgian machine
gun battery drawn by dogs |
Types of Belgian
infantrymen |
King Albert and
General von Emmich who commanded the German troops at Liège |
Letter signed by
Burgomaster Max requesting the Belgian authorities to allow Mr.
Gibson to pass (in text) |
Boy Scouts at Belgian
headquarters |
Reading from left
to right: a Belgian Staff Officer, Colonel Fairholme, Colonel
DuCane and Captain Ferguson |
List of the civilians
killed by the Germans at Tamines on August 20, 1914 |
Entrance to the
Rue de Diest, Louvain |
The dead and the
living. A Belgian civilian and a German soldier |
Señor don
German Bülle, Mexican Chargé dAffaires in Belgium |
German sentries |
Posing for a picture
to send home to Germany |
A street of handsome
homes at Louvain |
Types of von Arnim's
officers |
A Landwehr infantry
company |
Major von Herwarth
at the German outpost near Hofstade. |
Emile Francqui |
Baron von der Goltz Pacha |