Pass issued by General von Jarotzky (in text)

A Belgian machine gun battery drawn by dogs

Types of Belgian infantrymen

King Albert and General von Emmich who commanded the German troops at Liège

Letter signed by Burgomaster Max requesting the Belgian authorities to allow Mr. Gibson to pass (in text)

Boy Scouts at Belgian headquarters

Reading from left to right: a Belgian Staff Officer, Colonel Fairholme, Colonel DuCane and Captain Ferguson

List of the civilians killed by the Germans at Tamines on August 20, 1914

Entrance to the Rue de Diest, Louvain

The dead and the living. A Belgian civilian and a German soldier

Señor don German Bülle, Mexican Chargé dAffaires in Belgium

German sentries

Posing for a picture to send home to Germany

A street of handsome homes at Louvain

Types of von Arnim's officers

A Landwehr infantry company

Major von Herwarth at the German outpost near Hofstade.

Monsieur Emile Francqui

Field-Marshal Baron von der Goltz Pacha

Illustrations, continued

Table of Contents