Strike Publications
Great War themed apparel and merchandise
British Army War Diaries
Comprehensive information on the newly digi9tised British Army War Diaries, from the National Archives, Kew.
Great War Great War Militaria. Great War relics,original uniforms, equipment, books. Good photos section.
The Aerodrome - WWI Aircraft Studies all aspects of WWI aircraft, with blueprints, photos, and aircraft profiles.
le Merite
Covers the history of Germany's highest award with emphasis on World
War One.
Postcards of the Great War
Excellent selection of World War One postcards sorted by subject.
Stichting Fort Liezele Information on the Belgian fortress of Fort Liezele, including Great War history.
Trenches and Trees The Great War diary of Harry Williams, a British soldier.
Trenches on the Web The mother of all WWI sites, covering all aspects of the Great War.
The War Times Journal, The Great War Series Collection of articles, images, information and a free wargame.
Western Front Museum
Online exhibits, information