...Illustrations in Chapter XXVIII


129. Colored Women War Workers of the Young Women's Christian Association at Hostess House, Camp Upton, Long Island.


130. Colored American Red Cross Canteen War Workers who canteened all Colored soldier troop trains passing through Chicago to and from the front.
First Row Left to Right---Mrs. Eva Jenifer, Captain Dr. Mary Fitzbutler Waring, Mrs. DeWitt Smith.
Second Row Left to Right---Lieut. Hattie Oldham, Mrs. Sadie Anderson, Mrs. Helen Thorne,. Mrs. Juanita Hawlins, Mrs. Mary Wickliffe, Mrs. Lillian Gully, Lieut. Mayme Haddox.
Dr. Mary Fitzbutler Waring is also Chairman of the Col. Denison Red Cross Auxiliary, and Chairmoan of Rod Oross Work of the Colored Women's Clubs of the U.S.


 131. Negro American Red Cross Workers of the Byhalia Colored Auxiliary of northern Mississippi where Negroes outnumber the whites five to one.


 132. Colored boys on troop train passing through New Orleans to training camps being served with chocolates and cigarettes by Colored Auxiliary of American Red Cross.


133. Group of Officers. Top: Left to Right---1st Lt. Ewell W. Clarke, Asst. Personnel Adjutant Hdq. Staff, 92nd Div.; 1st Lt. Almardo Henderson, 367th Inf.; 1st Lt. F. S. Upshur, 350th F.A.; Center: Left to Right---2nd Lt. R. D. Hardeway,367th Inf.; Capt. Aaron Day, Jr., 317th Am. Tr.; 2nd Lt. A.M. Watson, 350th Mchn. Gun Bat. Below: Left to Right---2nd Lt. Scott A. Moyer, 349th F. A.; 2nd Lt. Win. F. Grady, 368th Inf., and 2nd Lt. Walter W. Scott, 368th Inf., who was gassed at the Argonne Forest in an attack on Binarville.


134. Colored messengers of Motorcycle Corps, 372nd Headquarters, who kept communication lines alive at all hours during the big drive in Champagne, Argonne and at Verdun.


135. American White and Negro soldiers being served to chocolate and sandwich rolls in canteen established in basement of American Red Cross Bureau of Refugees at Toulouse.


136. Burial place of the 92nd Division near a roadside leading out of Pont-à-Mousson to Metz. Here are laid to rest those who fell in the operations against Metz and those who died of sickness during that period.


137. A wayside church near the front lines in a French sector occupied by American Negro Soldiers.


138. Overseas Secretaries of the YMCA. Group of "Y" Secretaries ready to sail for France.


139. Overseas Secretaries of the YMCA.

Top, Left to Right---E. L. Snyder., J. A. Croon, Moses A. Davis;

Center --B. F. Seldon behind the lines in France just emerging- from the trip through the trenches.

Below, Left to Right---Thos. M. Clayton., Gary Ward Moore., G. W. Jackson. All these overseas Y. M. C. A. Secretaries are well known to the American Negro Soldiers who served overseas.


140. "Big Nims" of the 3rd Battalion , 366th Infantry, who found great amusement in contemplating the grotesque appearance of his comrade with a gas mask adjusted over his face and head. Many hours of gloom was dispelled by the good humor of Nims which together with his unquestionable courage at many times served to cheer the flagging spirits of his comrades.


141. Group of Negro Soldiers behind the lines being instructed in approved methods of using gas masks before going forward to the trenches.


142. Negro Officers of the Famous 8th Illinois (fought in France as the 370th Infantry) decorated by French Governmerit for gallantry in action. Front Row, left to right---Capt. G. M. Allen, Lt. O. A. Browning, Capt. D. J. Warner, Lt. Roy B. Tisdell. Back, left to right---Lt. P. Hurd, Col. Otis B. Duncan, Major J. R. White, Capt. William W Crawford, Lt. W. J. Warfield, Capt. M. Jackson. Lieutenant Warfield also received Distinguished Service Cross of United States by order of General Pershing (shown in the picture), likewise badge is expert rifleman.

Chapter XXVIII

Index of Illustrations

Table of Contents