His Majesty, Albert, King of the Belgians

Facsimile of the first page of the German ultimatum to Belgium (in the text)

Pass issued by the Belgian military authorities to enable Mr. Gibson to enter the German Legation at Brussels

Maître Gaston de Leval, legal adviser to the American Legation in Brussels

Her Majesty, Elizabeth, Queen of the Belgians

Mr. Brand Whitlock, American Minister to Belgium

Mr. Brand Whitlock. Taken during a Fourth of July luncheon

Burgomaster Max

Belgian War Medals

The Marquis de Villalobar, Spanish Minister at Brussels

A barbed wire entanglement at Antwerp

The Garde Civique's idea of a barbed wire entanglement

The Garde Civique on the Avenue Louise in Brussels

Types of Belgian cavalrymen

German supply train entering Brussels

German infantry entering Brussels

German officers and soldiers were always ready to oblige by posing for the camera

"Mit Gott für Kaiser und Reich

Count Guy d'Oultremont

From left to right--- Colonel DuCane, Captain Ferguson and Colonel Fairholme

Types of Belgian cavalrymen

Civilian volunteers going out to dig trenches about Antwerp

The King of the Belgians giving orders in the field

Illustrations, continued

Table of Contents