Serbia- None
Belgium- None
Luxembourg- None
Kingdom of Bavaria (Part of the German Empire)-- None
Monte-Negro-- None
Czech revolt-- None
From the 1913/1914 Navy League Annual ( with misc. from 1915-16 Annual ). Note that some of this information may be superseded by more modern resources.
The only important ship is the torpedo gunboat Nadiezda (1898), of 715 tons.
2,600=18.85 knots on trial. Armament 2 - 3.9" QF, 3 smaller QF, and 2 torpedo
tubes. Khrabri, Bistri, Smeli, Dree, and two other torpedo-gunboats
launched in 1907-10 in France, transported and put together at Varna.
Displacement 100 tons. IHP 2,000=26 knots. Armament 3 - 3 pdr QF and 3 tubes.
Also three of 97.5 tons launched 1904-05. IHP 1,900=24 knots. Armament, the
same as Khrabri. There are two armoured gunboats on the Danube, and a
dozen smaller steamers included in the fleet.
Libertador Bolivar (ex-Almirante Simpson) (1896), 812 tons and 21 knots.
Armament , 2 - 4.7" QF, 4 smaller QF, and three tubes. Purchased from
Chili, 1908.
Two old despatch vessels, Papin and Inconstant, of 891 tons. A few
insignifcant gunboats.
Light Cruiser - Elizabetha (1887), 1,320 tons. IHP 3,000=17 knots. Armament
4 - 4.7" Creusot QF, 6 small QF, and 4 torpedo tubes. Joan Bratiano,
Lascar Cartargi, Lahovary, Mihail Cogalniceanu - monitors launched 1907.
Displacement 581 tons. IHP 1,800=14 knots. Armament 3 - 4.7" QF in
separate turrets, 2 - 4.7" howitzers, 4 - 3 pdr QF, and 2 machine guns.
Complement 80. Eight torpedo-boats launched 1906-07. Displacement 51 tons.
IHP 620=18 knots. Armament 1 - 3 pdr QF, 1 machine gun, and 2 torpedo tubes.
Three torpedo-boats of 26 knots and 100 tons were also completed 1907-08. A
number of these and a submarine boat are projected.
Uruguay, Scout built at Stettin. Launched 1909. Displacement 1,250 tons.
Designed IHP 5,700=25 knots. Armament 2 - 4.7" QF, 4 - 3" QF,
6 - 3 pdr QF, 6 machine guns, and two torpedo tubes. Coal capacity
210 tons = 3,000 miles at 12 knots.
General Saurez, 300 tons. Training ship of 12.5 knots speed, and armed with
2 - 4.7" QF and a few small QF. A despatch vessel, General Rivera, and
a few gunboats. The light cruiser Montivideo, of 2,095 tons, was wrecked in
November 1912 and became a total loss. She was originally the Italian
Dogali and was purchased three years ago.
This State possesses the cruiser Almirante Lezo (1,200 tons, 18 knots, and a
few small guns), two 643-ton gunboats, Chercuito and Bogota, and two
400-ton river gunboats, General Nerino and Esperanza.
Egypt owns a flotilla of stern-wheel river gunboats of from 128 to 140 tons.
Their names are Sultan, Sheikh, Melik, Fateh, and Naseh. Older
vessels are the Abu-Klea, Hafir, Metemmeh, and Tamai.
Cruiser, Ferrier (ex-Umbria) (1891). Purchased from Italy. 2,245 tons,
7,500 IHP = 18.5 knots. Armament 8 - 4.7" QF, 16 smaller, and 2 tubes.
Corvette, Dessalines (1,200 tons). carrying 3 - 3.9" and 4 small QF. Gunboat
Capois la Mort, 260 tons, 1 - 3.9" and 4 - 1 pdr QF. Two sloops and a
gun vessel, 22nd of December.
Gunboat - Restauracion (1896), 1,000 tons. A few small guns. Independencia
(1894), 322 tons and seven machine guns.
Four small yachts mounting guns of light calibre.
Protected Cruiser and Royal Yacht - Maha Chakrkri, 2,500 tons, 18 knots,
and armed with 4 - 4.7" QF and smaller QF. Kaw-Sua-Tayarn-Schol and
two other destroyers built at Kobe, Japan in 1908-11. Armament 6 - 12 pdr QF,
and 2 torpedo tubes. Six torpedo boats also built at Kobe, launched 1908 or
building. Details uncertain. Suriya Monthon (1908), Customs cruiser of
260 tons. IHP 700=14.5 knots. Armament 1 - 6 pdr QF. In addition, six
modern gunboats of 600-700 tons, and a dozen smaller vessels and launches.
Bolivar (571 tons, 18.6 knots), gunboat armed with 2 - 4.7" barbette.
Miranda, 220 tons, 12 knot gunboat, two transports, and a few small,
old steamers.
Light Cruisers
Name | Launched | Completed | Displ (tons) | Designed I. H. P. | Speed | Armament | Coal Capacity |
Nan-Shin | 1883 | 1883 | 2,200 | 2,400 | 14.25 | 2 - 8" B.L.
7 - 40 pr Vavasseur 1 - 4.7" Q 4 Machine Guns 1/0 Tubes |
460 tons |
Pao-Nim | 1884 | 1885 | 1,477 | 2,400 | 14.00 | 2 - 5.9" B.L.
6 - 4.7" Q 4 Machine 2/0 Tubes |
360 tons |
Ying-Ching | 1886 | 1888 | 2,100 | 2,400 | 14.00 | 2 - 7" B.L.
7 - 40 pr B.L. 6 Machine 2/0 Tubes |
360 tons |
Ton-Chi | 1895 | 1896 | 1,800 | - | 15.00 | 2 - 5.9" Q
1 - 4.7" Q 2 Machine No Tubes |
360 tons |
Hai-Shew Hai-Shen |
1897 1898 |
1898 | 2,950 | 7,500 | 19.50 | 3 - 5.9" Q
8 - 4" Q 13 Smaller Q 2/1 Tubes |
200/500 tons |
Hai-Chi | 1898 | 1900 | 4,300 | 17,000 | 24.00 | 2 - 8" Q
10 - 4.7" Q 22 Smaller Q 5/0 Tubes |
400/1,000 tons |
Fei-Hung Chao-Ho |
1912 1912 |
1913 1913 |
2,650 2,850 |
(Turbines) |
20.00 | 2 - 6" Q
4 - 4" Q 10 Smaller Q 2/0 Tubes |
250/600 tons |
Name | Launched | Compl. | Displ in Tons | Armament | Remarks |
Fu-Yun Chang-Feng Lung-Tuan |
1912 | 1912 | 425 | 2 - 12 pr Q
4 - 3 pr Q 2 torpedo tubes |
Built at Schichau's Yard, Elbing
" Built at the Stabilmento Tecnico, Trieste |
Tschutai, Tschutung, Tschuju, Tschuhai, Tschujo, Tschukuan. Launched in Japan,
1906-07. Displacement, 570 tons. I.H.P. 1,350 = 13.00 knots.
Armament, 2 - 4.7" Q, 2 - 3" Q, 4 machine guns.
Kiangjuan. Launched, 1904. Displacement, 565 tons. I.H.P. 950 = 14.70 knots on trial.
Armament, 1 - 4" Q, 2 - 3 pr Q, 4 machine guns.
Kianghen, Kiangtschen, Kiangli. Launched, 1907. Displacement, 570 tons. I.H.P. 950 =
13.50 knots. Armament, 1 - 4.7" Q, 1 - 3" Q, 4 - 3 pr Q, and 4 machine guns.
Jung-Fung, Jung-Tschiang, Jung-Hsiang. Launched in Japan, 1912. Displacement,
780 tons. I.H.P. - = 13.00 knots. Armament, 2 - 4.7" Q, 4 - 3" Q, 4 machine
Feihu, Fei-lung. Displacement, 1,000 tons. Speed, 14 knots. Building in China.
River Gunboats
Kiangtschi, Kiangku, Kiangkung, Kiangta. Launched, 1908. Speed, 14 knots.
Armament, 5 small guns.
Tschiang-kun, Tsin-Pei. Launched (Germania Yard), 1911-1912. Displacement,
149 tons. I.H.P. 500 = 13 knots. Armament, 7 small guns.
Tschang, Tschen, Litsch, Su. Launched, 1900-07, in Japan. Displacement,
97 tons. I.H.P. 1,200 = 23.50 knots. Armament, 2 - 3 pr Q, and 3 torpedo tubes.
Also three or four obsolete torpedo-boats.
There are a score of other cruising vessels of little value, but the above probably represents the entire effective Chinese Navy.
Coast Defence Battleships
Name | Launched | Compl. | Displ. in Tons | Designed I. H. P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Belt | Turret | Coal Capacity |
Iver Hvitfelt | 1886 | 1889 | 3,208 | 5,100 | 15.60 | 2 - 10.2"BL
4 - 4.7" BL 12 Smaller Q 4 Tubes |
11.5" | 8.5" | 250 tons |
Skjold | 1896 | 1899 | 2,115 | 2,200 | 13.00 | 1 - 9.4" BL
3 - 4.7" Q 6 Smaller Q 4 Tubes |
9"-12" | 7.8" | 280 tons |
Olfert Fischer Peder Skram |
1903 1908 |
1905 1909 |
3,415 | 4,200 | 16.00 | 2 - 9.4" B.L.
4 - 5.9" Q 18 Smaller Q 0/3 Tubes |
4"-7" | 7" | 250 tons |
" A " | Bldg | - | 3,675 | 5,400 | 16.00 | 2 - 9.4" B.L.
4 - 5.9" Q 18 Smaller Q 0/4 Tubes |
4"-8" | 7" | - |
Light Cruisers
Hekla (1890), Geiser (1892), Heimdal (1894). Displacement, 1,260 tons. I.H.P. 3,000
= 17.00 knots.
Armament, 2 - 5.9" B.L., 10 small Q, and 5 tubes ;
others, 2 - 4.7" Q, 4 - 3.4" Q, 6 machine, and 4 tubes. Coal Capacity, 125 tons.
Fyen (1882, 2,580 tons), Valkyrien (1888, 2,900 tons). Speeds, 12 - 14 knots. Armed
with several Krupp breech-loaders and a few small quick-firers.
Ingolf (1876), 990 tons, 10.50 knots, 6 old Krupps.
Falster (1873), Oresund (1874), Lille Belt (1875), Store Belt (1875). 240 - 360 tons,
8 - 9 knots, and 1 - 10" Armstrong M.L., 2 - 3.4" B.L., and 4 machine.
Drogden (1872), 50 tons, 6 knots, 1 - 9" Armstrong M.L.
Gronsund (1883), Guldborgsund (1884). 215 tons, 11.5 knots, 2 - 4.7" B.L. and 2 machine.
Seven old gunboats, used as training or surveying ships.
Soridderen, Tumleren, Windhunden, Sparkhuggeren, Soulven, Flyvesishen.
Launched, 1911 - 12. Displacement, 230 tons. I.H.P. turbines 3,500 = 27 knots.
Armament, 2 - 12 pr Q, and 4 torpedo tubes. Coal, 80 tons.
Delfinen, Hoalrossen, Svaerdfishen. Launched, 1914. Displacement, 182 tons.
I.H.P. turbines 3,500 = 27 knots. Armament, 1 - 12 pr Q and 4 torpedo tubes.
Ten (10) of 105 - 142 tons, 23 knots, and three to four tubes, built 1887 - 1907.
Fifteen (15) older or smaller boats of no warlike value. Three torpedo-boats building.
Dykkeren. Launched, 1909, at Spezia. Displacement, 103/130 tons. Speeds, 12 knots
on surface and 7.5 knots submerged. Armament, 2 torpedo tubes.
Aegir, Galathea, Neptun, Ran, Triton. Launched, 1912 - 1914. Displacement,
185/235 tons. H.P. 450/275. Speeds, 13 knots on surface and 8 knots
submerged. Armament, 2 torpedo tubes, Whitehead-Fiume type.
Havmanden, Havfruen, Nymfen, Najaden, Thetis, 2 April. Launched, 1912 - 1914.
Displacement, 170/200 tons. H.P. 450/275. Speeds, 13 knots on surface and
8 knots submerged. Armament, 2 torpedo tubes, Whitehead-Fiume type.
Three (3) others building, 450 tons displacement, similar to Havmanden type as given above.
Torpedo Transport
Beskytteren (1900), 389 tons, 12 knots, 3 - 3 pr Q.
Lossen (per 1915/16 Annual but 1913/14 Annual gives name as Nyt) (1910).
Displacement, 500 tons. Designed H.P. 900 = 11 knots speed. Armament, 3 - 3 pr Q.
War (and other ) Notes : The Turco-Italian War of 1912 cost the Turks : Drama, a sister-ship of the Hamidieh, on the stocks of a nation she had been at war and seized by Italy. On February 24th an Italian squadron off Beyrouth sank the aged 2,500 ton iron-clad, Awni-Illah, and the new 160-ton torpedo-boat Anatolia. The Tokat and Eliajot, with two motor gunboats were also destroyed.
The advent in 1912 of a new British naval advisor led to a major repression of old material. However, none of the Annuals have stated that they were actually scrapped. On the possibility that they were relegated to minor support duties they are included in this report.
The projected battleship Reshadieh was still in the reports for 1915.
On July 16th, 1914, Messrs. Vickers, Ltd., of Barrow-in-Furness, signed a contract for the construction of a new Turkish Dreadnought. This ship's name was reported to be the Sultan Mehmed Fatieh. Preparations were made for laying this ship down, but it is very doubtful if she was begun before the outbreak of war.
The German battle-cruiser Goeben and light cruiser Breslau were "sold" to Turkey in 1914 and now appear in German and Turkish Official Reports as the Sultan Yawuz Selim and the Midillu respectively. Since the "sale" was obviously spurious and a belligerent warship cannot change her nationality, the Goeben and Breslau are retained in the German Tables.
Six destroyers were laid down at Havre, France, for the Turkish Navy about April 1914.
On the recommendation of the British Naval Advisor, the 1910 Ottoman Navy prepared a programme of new construction that included six battleships, twelve destroyers, twelve torpedo-boats, six submarines, two mining vessels, two training vessels, twenty-four river gunboats, one hospital ship, and six transports. This programme is independent of any ships now in existence.
Name | Launched | Compl | Displ in Tons | Designed I.H.P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Belt | Turret | Coal Capacity |
Reconstructed 1901 at Ansaldo's Yard Genoa, twin screws being fitted, and a new armament given her. |
1874 | 1876 | 9,120 | 11,000 | 17.50 | 2 - 9.2" B.L.
12 - 6" Q 28 Smaller Q 0/2 Tubes |
12" | 9" | 600 tons |
Haireddin Barbarossa (ex-German Weissenburg) | 1891 | 1893 | 9874 | 10,000 | 17.00 | 6 - 11" old BL
8 - 4.1" Q 16 Smaller Q |
12"-15" | 5"-12" | 680/800 |
Torgat Reiss (ex-German K.F. Wilhelm which Turkey was forced to buy from Germany in 1910 for twice her actual value.) | 1891 | 1893 | - | - | - | 16 Smaller Q
1/2 Tubes |
- | - | - |
Reconstructed by Ansaldo, (originally) Genoa, 1903 - 1906. Guns (1915) probably all removed and mounted ashore for coastal defence.Complement, 220 |
1860 | 1869 | 2,314 | 2,200 | 12.5 - 14 | 4 - 6" Q
6 - 12 pr Q 10 - 6 pr Q 2 - 3 pr Q 4 machine guns 1 torpedo tube |
9" -6" | 9" | 220/600 |
Awni-Illah (both per above notes) |
1860 | 1870 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Mukadem- i-Hair Complement, 220 | 1870 | 1872 | 2,806 | 3,500 | 14.00 | 4 - 9.2" B.L.
8 Smaller Q 1 torpedo tube |
9" - 3" iron | 9"-6" | 300 tons |
Nedfim-i-Chefket | 1866 | 1868 | 2,050 | 1,900 | 11.30 | 1 - 9"
4 - 4.7" M.L. 8 Smaller Q 1 torpedo tube |
3"-6" iron | 5" | - |
Assar-i-Tewfik This vessel was refitted at Kiel in 1906. Since condemned (1910) (but still on active fleet lists in 1912). | 1868 | 1870 | 4,613 | 3,560 | 13.30 | 3 - 5.9" Q
7 - 4.7" Q 6 - 6 pr Q 2 Smaller Q |
8" | 6" | 400/600 |
Hamidieh | 1885 | 1887 | 6,700 | 6,800 | 13.00 | 10 - 10.2" B.L.
2 - 6.7" B.L. 8 Smaller Q 2/0 Tubes |
7" -9" | 5" | 600 tons |
Reconstructed 1894 Mahmudieh Osmanieh Reconstructed 1894 Orkanieh Reconstructed 1890. |
1864 1864 1865 |
1866 1866 1867 |
6,400 | 3,735 | 12.00 | 1 - 8.2" B.L.
9 - 5.9" Q 8 - 3.1" Q 11 Smaller Q 0/2 Tubes |
10" | 5" | 750 tons |
Name | Launched | Displ in Tons | Designed I. H. P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Coal Capacity |
from 1912 Annual: The protected cruiser Abdul Hamid has been renamed Hamidieh, the same name as that borne by an old existing battleship of 6,700 tons. |
1903 | 3,800 | 12,500 | 22.00 | 2 - 6" Q
8 - 4.7" Q 12 Smaller Q 2 torpedo tubes |
600 tons |
Abdul Medjidieh | 1903 | 3,422 | - | - | - | - |
Heibetnuma | 1890 | 1,960 | 2,500 | 13.00 | 3 - 5.9"
6 - 4.7" Q 6 Smaller Q 2 torpedo tubes |
- |
Lutfi-Hamayoun | 1892 | 1,313 | 2,800 | 13.00 | 4 - 6"
6 - 4.7" Q 6 Smaller Q 2 torpedo tubes |
- |
Berk-i-Satvet, Peik-i-Schevket. Launched at Kiel, 1906. Displacement, 770 tons.
I.H.P. 5,500 = 22 knots. Armament, 2 - 4" Q, 6 - 6 pr Q, 4 smaller Q, and
3 torpedo tubes.
Pelenk-i-deria (840 tons), Namet (900 tons). Launched, 1890. I.H.P. 4,500 - 5,000
= 20 knots. Armament, 2 - 4" Q, 16 machine guns, and 2 torpedo tubes.
Coal capacity, 110 tons.
Shahani-deria (1892), 450 tons. I.H.P. 3,000 = 22 knots. Armament, 2 - 4.7",
6 machine guns, and 4 torpedo tubes.
Aintab, Bafra, Tash-kupri, Geukdjeh-dagh, Orden, Malatia, Nertschehir,
Quokedfedok, Refadieh. Launched in France 1907 - 1908. Displacement, 210 tons.
H.P. 325 = 13 knots. Guns, 2 - 3 pr Q, and 2 machine guns. (Five or six
gunboats of this class were sunk on Jan. 7th, 1912, in the Turco-Italian
War, but their names cannot be ascertained. This class now [1915] comprises
only three or four of the ships named.)
Aidin-Reis, Berak-Reis, Doruk-Reis, Giasia-Reis, Hiziz-Reis, Preveda, Sakiz.
Launched, 1912 - 1913, at St. Nazaire and La Seyne Yards, France.
Displacement, 502 tons. I.H.P. 1,025 = 14 knots. Dimensions, 178.8-foot
length, 18-foot beam, and 8.2-foot maximum draught. Guns, 2 - 3.9" Q,
2 - 3 pr Q, and 2 machine guns.
Sedul Bahr, Zuhaf, Kilid-el-Bahr (1894), 800 tons. H.P. 160 = 12.7 knots.
Guns, 4 - 4.7" Q, 6 machine guns, and 2 torpedo tubes. Coal capacity 120 tons.
Berek-i-Zaffer, Nasri Huda, Nouril Bahr, Shevket Numa, Siak-i-Shadi,
Timsah-Reschanieh. Launched, 1894 - 1903. Displacement, 195 tons. H.P. 450 =
12 knots. Guns, 2 - 12 pr Q, 2 - 3 pr Q. Two torpedo tubes (above water).
Josgad, Kastamuni. Launched, 1906. Displacement, 185 tons. 12 knots speed.
Guns, 2 - 3 pr Q.
Seyat, Furat (1883), 200 tons. H.P. 100 = 10 knots. Guns, 2 old 3" and 2 - 6 pr Q.
Practically worthless [1915].
Jadikar-i-Millet, Muavenet-i-Millet, Gairet-i-watanieh, Numouneh-i-hamiet.
Purchased from Schichau, Elbing, 1909. Displacement, 607 tons. Designed
I.H.P. 12,000 = 30 knots. Armament, 2 - 4.1" Q, 2 machine guns, and 3
torpedo tubes. Coal capacity, 160 tons. Originally built for the German Navy
as the S165 - 168 ; purchased by Turkey in 1910.
Berk-Eftschan, Taijar. Launched, 1909. 270 tons. H.P. 3,400 = 25 knots. Guns,
4 - 1 pr Q, 2 smaller Q, 2 torpedo tubes. Coal capacity, 60 tons.
Samsoun, Basra, Yar Hissar, Tachoz. Launched, 1907. 305 tons. H.P. 6,000 =
28 knots. Guns, 2 - 12 pr Q and 2 torpedo tubes. Coal capacity, 60 tons.
Abdul Meschid, Younis. Launched, 1901. 145 tons. H.P. 2,400 = 26 knots.
Guns, 2 - 3 pr Q, 2 torpedo tubes.
Ak-Hissar (1904), Dratsch (1906), Kutahija (1906), Mossul (1906), Urfa (1906).
160 tons. H.P. 2,400 = 26 knots. Guns, 2 - 3 pr Q, 2 torpedo tubes.
Also 21 Smaller Torpedo Boats :
6 launched 1885 - 1889, 40 - 45 tons, 20 knots speed.
14 launched 1886 - 1890, 85 tons, 21 - 22 knots speed.
1 ( Edjdax ) launched 1890. 120 tons. 24 knots speed.
All have two tubes and one or two guns. Practically worn out and only fit for the scrap-heap.
Achmed ? (ex-French submarine Turquoise). Launched, 1908 ; captured in the
Dardanelles, 1915. Displacement, 383/445 tons. H.P. 600/ - . Speeds, 12 knots
above water and 8 knots submerged. Armament, 6 tubes. (Reported to have foundered
with Turkish crew.)
Also other British and French submarines captured in the Sea of Marmora or the Dardanelles. No details available. Other submarines transported in sections from Germany and reassemble at Constantinople. Large German submarines of the " C " and " D " types (see German Tables) are operating in the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean Seas.
Nusrat of 380 tons, was launched at the Germania Yard on December 4th, 1913.
Four trawlers were bought in England in 1914 for conversion to mine-sweepers. A lot of other steamers, ferry-boats, sailing craft, Customs motor-boats, and old craft have been requisitioned for various duties.
Name | Launched | Compl | Displ in Tons | Designed I.H.P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Belt | Turrets | Coal Capacity |
Spetzal Psara These three vessels were reconstructed in 1897 - 1900 |
1889 1890 |
1891 1892 |
4,808 | 7,000 | 17.00 | 3 - 10.8"
Canet B.L.
5 - 5.9" Q 1 - 3.9" Q 24 Smaller Q 3/0 Tubes |
11.75" | 13.5" | 600 tons |
(ex- USS
Idaho )
Kilkis (ex- USS Mississippi ) Purchased in 1914. |
1905 | 1908 | 13,000
(14,470 full load) |
10,000 | 17.00 | 4 - 12"
8 - 8" 12 - 7" Q 20 - 3" Q 30 Smaller Q 0/3 Tubes |
7" -9" | 7.5" -12" | 700/1750 |
Name | Launched | Compl | Displ in Tons | Designed I.H.P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Belt | Turrets | Coal Capacity |
Giorgio Averoff | 1910 | 1911 | 9,958 | 20,000
(Turbines) |
24.00 | 4 - 9.2"
8 - 7.5" Q 16 - 3" Q 8 Smaller Q 0/3 Tubes |
8" | 7" | 700/1600 |
Name | Launched | Compl | Displ in Tons | Designed I.H.P. | Designed Speed | Armament | Belt | Turrets | Coal Capacity |
Ex-Chinese Cruiser Fei-Hung purchased 1914. |
1912 | 1914 | 2,650 | 8,000
(Turbines) |
22.50 | 2 - 6" Q
4 - 4" Q 10 Smaller Q 2/0 Tubes |
- | - | 400/600 |
Lambros Katsonis |
1914 | 1915 | 5,500 | 25,000
(Turbines) |
25.50 | 8 - 6" Q
4 - 3 pr Q 0/2 Tubes |
3" | - | 650/1,000 |
Sfaktirea (1885), 1,000 tons. I.H.P. 2,400 = 14.5 knots. Armament, 2 - 3.9", 2 machine guns.
Coal capacity, 100 tons.
Acheloos, Alphios, Eurotas (1894), 420 tons. I.H.P. 400 = 10 knots. Armament, 2 - 3.7" and 3 machine guns. Coal, 50 tons.
Ambrakia, Aktion (1885), 440 tons. I.H.P. 380 = 10 knots. Armament, 1 - 10" Krupp and 2 machine guns.
Torpedo Depot Ship
Kanaris (1877), 1,100 tons. I.H.P. 500 = 14 knots. Armament, 2 - 3.9" Krupp and a few machine guns.
There are also sundry smaller gunboats of no value.
Aspis, Velos, Naphkratoussa, Thyella, Nike, Doxa, Lonhi, Sfendoni. Launched,
1906 - 1907. Displacement, 350 tons. I.H.P. 6,000 = 31 knots. Armament, 2 - 3" Q, 4 - 6 pr Q, and two torpedo tubes. Coal, 80 tons.
Aetos, Jerex, Leon, Paradalos. Built in England. Purchased from the Argentine
Government October, 1912. Launched, 1911. Displacement, 980 tons. Designed I.H.P.
19,750 = 32 knots. Armament, 4 - 4" Q, 3 - 9 pr Q, and 4 - 21" torpedo tubes.
Keravnos, Neagenea. Launched, 1912. Displacement, 640 tons. I.H.P. 23,500 = 32.5 knots.
Armament, 2 - 23 pr Q, 2 machine guns, and 4 - 19.5" torpedo tubes. Coal capacity,
200 tons. Purchased from the Vulkan Yard, Stettin, 1912.
Samos, Lesbos, Crete, Chios. Launched, 1914 - 1915. Displacement (about), 1,200
tons. Designed I.H.P. ? = 35 (?) knots. Armament, ? - 4" Q, ? torpedo tubes
Alcyon, Arethusa, Aigli, Dafni, Doris, Thetis. Launched, 1912 - 1913. Displacement,
125 tons. Designed H.P. - = 25 knots. Armament, 2 - 6 pr Q, 3 torpedo tubes.
Nikopolis, Tokat. Captured in Turkish War. Launched, 1906. Displacement, 160 tons.
Designed H.P. 2,400 = 26 knots. Armament, 2 - 3 pr Q, 2 torpedo tubes.
Six of 85 tons built at Stettin in 1885, of 19 knots speed, and carrying 4 small Q and 1 tube. Coal, 20 tons. Of little or no value.
Six of 48 tons built by Yarrow in 1881, of 19 knots speed, and carrying 2 small Q and 2 tubes. Coal, 9 tons. Of little or no value.
Delphin, Xiphias. Built at Creusot Works, France. Launched, 1911 - 1912.
Displacement, 300 tons on the surface and 460 tons submerged. Speeds, surface 14
knots, submerged 9 knots. Armament, 5 torpedo tubes. Two more building in France.
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