German Navy Tactical Orders

(source: Public Record Office ADM 186/55: CB1548 German Navy Tactical Orders)

Commander-in-Chief High Sea Fleet

Jade, 2nd November 1917

Gg. 7050 F. 2.

Alterations and Additions No. 147.

Most Secret

Tactical Order No. 8.

W/T Duties.

Jambing Organisation for the Scouting Groups

In modification of W/T Instructions No. 153, the undermentioned "Jambing organisation (A)" is applicable for the Scouting Groups in all cases where no other organisation is ordered.

Cruiser Receiving Wave I Range of Receiving Wave II Receiving Wave III Transmitting wave for Jambing Purposes
(a) I and II Scouting Groups
Seydlitz - w w 0 (aircraft wave) -
Hindenburg - 600-900 m - 670 m
Derfflinger - 900-1100 m - 1000 m
Moltke - 1100-1500 m - 1250 m
Von der Tann - w w 0 (aircraft wave) -
Königsberg - w w 0 (aircraft wave) -
Karlsruhe w w 5 200-300 m w w 0 230 m
Nürnberg - 300-450 m - 300 m
Frankfurt - 400-600 m - 450 m
Pillau - 550-700 m - 600 m
Cöln - 900-1100 m - 1000 m
Emden - w w 0 (aircraft wave) -
Graudenz - w w 0 (aircraft wave) -
(b) IV Scouting Group
Regensburg - Fleet wave (musical) (aircraft wave) -
Straslund w w 5 200-300 m Fleet wave (musical) 300 m
Strasburg w w 5 400-600 m Fleet wave (musical) 450 m
Brummer w w 5 550-700 m Fleet wave (musical) 600 m
Bremse w w 5 900-100 m Fleet wave (musical) 1000 m

Emergency Reserve Office

For the Commander-in-Chief, High Sea Fleet

The Chief of the Staff,

(signed) v. Trotha

Last Updated: 26 August, 1999.

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